The Hidden Center: Sprituality and Speculative christology in St. Bonaventure
Zachary Hayes, OFM
This work presents the development of St. Bonaventure’s Christology from his early Commentary on the Sentences of Peter Lombard to his last conferences on the Hexaemeron.
Divine and Created Order in Bonaventure's Theology
J.A. Wayne Hellmann and J.M. Hammond
This volume addresses the hierarchical thought patterns of Bonaventure’s theology within the framework of “order.” The author concludes that all orders are embraced by one order of charity, and the following of Christ to the cross is the key to the divine order of charity.
Saint Bonaventure and the Entrance of God into Theology
by Emmanuel Falque
translated from French by Brian Lapsa, revised by William C. Hackett
Properly original, the new version of this essay intends both to nourish debate and differentiate points of view. In its new articulation, the book justifies work that has been carried out since. It justifies the sense of Franciscan rootedness that has never been denied and at the same time opens to the discovery of another reading of the Dominican Thomas Aquinas. The preface specially composed for this American edition, the opening debate with famous medievalist Etienne Gilson, and above all the afterword entitled “Saint Thomas Aquinas and the entrance of God into Philosophy” make it a radically new book.
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