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- Franciscan Studies 2024- Vol. 82

Franciscan Studies is a peer-reviewed, scholarly journal published by the Franciscan Institute at St. Bonaventure University. It discusses Franciscan matters such as: history, philosophy, theology, and art and culture.
This is for the 2024 Volume ONLY
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Table of Contents:
St. Bonaventure as a Reader of St. Albert: An Introduction
-Luke Togni
Hypostases in Christ and the Work of Scholastic Christology: The
Summa Halensis and Albert the Great’s Commentary on the Sentences
-Andrew Gertner Belfield
Sensing Beatitude: Albert the Great’s Vision of Glorified
Sensation and its Reception in Bonaventure
-John Kern
Supercelestial Trinitarian Predication in Bonaventure of
Bagnoregio and Albertus Magnus
-Jonathan Gaworski
History, Narrative, and Romance: Contemporary Concerns in
Literary Representations of Saint Francis of Assisi and the Early
Franciscan Movement
-Liam Kelly
Lo sviluppo interpretativo della storiografia del primo ordine
dell’incontro tra s. Francesco e il sultano dal XVI secolo in poi
-Felice Autieri
In dulcedinem animi et corporis. La Douceur, un mystère franciscain
-Anna Gaelle Cuif
The Center Blossoms, Part 2: The Spirit of Salvation in
Bonaventure’s Breviloquium
-Thomas A. Piolata
Renaissance Scotist Commentators on Predestination: Francesco
Licheto and Giacomino Malafossa da Barge
-Matthew A. Shadle
Unremembered Faces: Black Involvement in the Franciscan
autos in Sixteenth-Century Mexico?
Penelope Reilly
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