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Works of St. Bonaventure Series, Volume XIV
translated by Zachary Hayes, OFM
This is the first English translation of St. Bonaventure's Collationes de septem donis Spiritus Sanctus to appear in print. The Collationes were the next-to-last of the Seraphic Doctor's major writings, dating to 1268. This translation is similarly a crowning achievement for Fr. Zachary Hayes, a pre-eminent commentator on Bonaventure's thought for the last four decades. Scholars of medieval theology and of Bonaventure in particular will find a treasure trove here, thanks to the flowing translation of Fr. Hayes.
Ample footnotes citing ancient philosophers, biblical texts, ancient Christian writers and contemporary scholars provide a rich resource for further study. Those interested in the contemporary question of how faith relates to reason will especially welcome the final two conferences - or, collations, on understanding and wisdom, in which Bonaventure wrestles with that same issue in the framework of this thought and times. Gil Ostdiek, O.F.M., Catholic Theological Union.
ISBN: 978-1-57659-147-5
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